Jokes for all

Feel free to browse the collection of tall tales, yarns and downright lies.   They are all family safe - the test I apply is "would I tell this to someone's grandmother?"  If no,  I don't use it.     (That doesn't mean i don't appreciate a dirty joke,  but I don't think they're appropriate for broadcast on the radio - you never know who is listening or how old they are or  what their attitudes to dirty jokes amounts to. )


One night at an exclusive pub in the upscale section of town, four of the richest gentlemen in the state were discussing their fortunes.   Bill was undoubtedly the wealthiest of the quartet, and also the greediest.  He called them up close and told them of his plan to take it all with him.

"I trust you three more than any other men I know, including my own family. I'm going to entrust each of you with a third of my fortune, and when i pass away, I want each of you to put your part in the casket with me before I'm laid to rest."

They all agreed, and within a few days everything was in place.  As luck would have it, Bill died of a massive heart attack shortly thereafter.

A couple of weeks after the funeral, the remaining men gathered again at their favourite establishment.  After several drinks, one of them said, "I just can't stand it any longer.  Something has been eating at my conscience and I have just got to confess.   When Bill died, I just couldn't see putting all that money in there to rot away. I kept back a third of it for myself."

The second man blurted out, "I've got to confess too.  It's been eating a hole in my soul. I did the same thing but I kept out half of the part he entrusted to me.  I havent had a good night's sleep since.  I feel so terrible!"

The third member of the trio stared back at the other two in shock and disbelief. "I simply just can't believe you two," he said. "Bill trusted you with his fortune.  He thought you were men that he could count on and you two couldn't even honour his dying wish.  I'm disgusted!"

"You mean you actually put all that money in there?" they asked.

"You'd better believe it!.  As soon as he gave it to me I put it in the bank.  And when he died I wrote a cheque for every penny and placed it in his breast pocket!"

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