Request a song

Here's where you can request a song on the show, or dedicate it to someone. Name a song, or search our library for something you like, and send your request here with a message if you wish.    Or search for Mike on facebook or go directly to his page at and you can often find Mike there while the show is going to air. 

 Your request may not be played immediately however. Mike sometimes doesn't get emails while he's in the studio. He's doing the show all by himself and he has enough to do already! Also the internet show is delayed a couple of weeks after it goes to air in Sydney. So expect to hear your request a while after you send it in.  But if Mike can play it straight away, he'll do it.


We strongly believe in privacy - we're angry at the incidence of spam and other unwelcome intrusions into our lives and we certainly aren't going to add to the problem ourselves. Rest assured, that unless someone produces a court order requiring us to do otherwise, we're going to use your email address for the request, and nothing else. At all. Period.
