Jokes for all

Feel free to browse the collection of tall tales, yarns and downright lies.   They are all family safe - the test I apply is "would I tell this to someone's grandmother?"  If no,  I don't use it.     (That doesn't mean i don't appreciate a dirty joke,  but I don't think they're appropriate for broadcast on the radio - you never know who is listening or how old they are or  what their attitudes to dirty jokes amounts to. )

Customer Service

I went to the supermarket yesterday to buy a pack of chicken legs for dinner. Right before the young checkout girl rang it up I asked if she knew if they were front or back legs. She paused to read the label and not finding the answer, said "I don't know, let me go ask the manager". When she came back, she looked at me and said "not funny". I said "Sorry . . but for me, it was". Us old bastards can be cruel pricks sometimes.

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