Jokes for all

Feel free to browse the collection of tall tales, yarns and downright lies.   They are all family safe - the test I apply is "would I tell this to someone's grandmother?"  If no,  I don't use it.     (That doesn't mean i don't appreciate a dirty joke,  but I don't think they're appropriate for broadcast on the radio - you never know who is listening or how old they are or  what their attitudes to dirty jokes amounts to. )


A man wakes up after 2 weeks in coma. The specialist is at his bed: "It's going to be all right. But, the firemen who saved you from the wreckage sawed off half of your penis during the rescue. They have decided to give you $25,000 compensation for it. As you know, medical science has come forward quite a bit the last couple of years. We can re-create your penis, at a price of $2,500 per inch. But, we want you to discuss this with your wife, since having a non-standard penis length can give your relationship quite some stress." The man agrees to discussing with his wife, and the doctor makes an appointment to speak with him again in 2 days.

After two days, the man comes back to the hospital and sees the doctor. "We've discussed it at length." "And?" "We're buying a new kitchen."

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